Monday, March 18, 2013

High Heels & Flip-Flops Is Now on Bloglovin’

With the announcement that Google Reader will soon be shutting down (a huge bummer), I’ve now joined Bloglovin’. Feel free to follow me there from now on if you're switching over, too, and also let me know if there are any other reader programs you actually like better.

I’m very glad I was able to import my Google Reader subscriptions, but am also worried that I won’t as easily be able to add feeds from new websites/blogs unless they too are signed up via Bloglovin'. Does anyone know an easy way to get around this issue, or are there any other helpful suggestions you can share?  


  1. I heard this news, too, and am sad that Google Reader is going away. I don't know a whole lot about what this will mean, but I hope the transition is smooth!

  2. I use my dashboard to read, so I don't know much about reader, but it looks like I need to add the option to my blog too~

  3. I posted a few suggestions on my Facebook page last week and may look into Old Reader. i just followed you on Bloglovin!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  4. Ahh, google! I'll follow you over there!

  5. This is so annoying...I will have to join you on bloglovin'!!!

  6. still so bummed about google reader. why get rid of such a good thing? i'm still trying to determine what i want to use, and will definitely check out bloglovin.

  7. i still need to transfer all of my blogs over to bloglovin still but i do like it is easy to tell what blogs i have read yet and which ones i still need to

  8. I made the switch to bloglovin and so far I'm loving it! I like that you can track who's following who and whatnot - but fear that I will lose some "anonymous" followers who don't like others to see who they follow.

    I read an article today that said that RSS is going the way of the dinosaurs and we should quick using them altogether - but how would I keep track of all my blogs??


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