Thursday, September 26, 2013

Turning 30

Right on the heels of my amazing trip to California comes another exciting (yet also somewhat unnerving) event – my 30th birthday! Yes, like it or not, this Saturday I’ll kiss my 20s goodbye and welcome a new decade for the fourth time in my life.

Do I feel “ready” to turn 30? No. Do I feel like I’m in a better, happier, more secure place than I was when I turned 20? Without a doubt, yes. In fact, those I’ve talked to who are already in their 30s say that this decade has been by far the best time of their lives to date, which I certainly hope will be the case for me, as well.  

In an effort to focus on the positive, I recently wrote a post for All Women Stalk on “7 Awesome Things About Turning 30 That Will Get You Excited” and have been putting together a goal list for the next 10 years. But before I become too focused on the future, I also want to look back and remember all of the best memories from my 20s, including the 10 listed below.

Even though I can't actually head back to Hawaii for my birthday, I'll definitely be raising a glass to the next 10 years!
1. Being editor in chief of my college’s paper, Daily Sundial, during undergrad

2. Graduating with my bachelor’s in journalism

3. Moving cross-country from California to DC eight years ago

4. Meeting and marrying my wonderful husband

5. Adopting Molly and Twix, the sweetest fur kids ever

6. Obtaining my master’s degree in publishing

7. Traveling to cool places like Hawaii, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama and, of course, California

8. Making memories with my grandparents during our final years together  

9. Writing, editing, being a congressional aide, coordinating weddings and working on various other professional projects I've loved

10. Taking ongoing steps (both forward and backward) toward living a healthier life

What’s next? I’m about to find out! Do those of you who are already in your 30s or about to celebrate this milestone birthday have any tips or advice for me? 


  1. Happy Early Birthday! 30 looks great on you! :) i hope to look that young in 4 years lol

    1. Aw, thanks! I know you'll look fabulous at 30! :)

  2. Happy Birthday, Heather! I am 32 and love everything about my 30s. It ust keeps getting better and better, so enjoy the ride :)

    1. Thanks, Kim! I hope you are doing well! I've missed reading your blog these past few months.

  3. Happy early Birthday! And yes I'm in the camp of my 30's being way better than my 20's but that's because since I turned 30 I got married, bought a house and had a child. But mainly I'm just more content with who I am now.

    1. Thanks, Shannon! Hopefully, the buying a house and having a child will be in my future, too.

  4. looks like the first 30 years of your life have been pretty spectacular! congrats on your upcoming 30th! ill be right behind you come january

    1. Thanks, Meg! It feels weird to turn 30, but I'm definitely excited to see what's in store! :)

  5. Woohoo welcome to the 30s club!

    I turned 30 last year and I'm loving it. I love that when you turn 30 it's like you really know who you are. I think that's the best part of being in your 30s.

    Besides with all that you've accomplished in your 20s there is no way 30s don't be just as good if not better!

    You'll love it! Happy (early) birthday!

    1. Thanks so much, Faith! I agree that it's great to better know who you are and what you stand for.

  6. Happy early birthday! Age is just a number and from what I've heard 30 is the new 20 ;-)

  7. Happy early birthday! I love being in my 30s, and I'm sure you will too!

    1. Thanks, Morgan! I'm definitely excited to see what's next.

  8. Happy early birthday!! Hope you have a wonderful time celebrating. I turn 30 next year. I hope things only get better as I get older. :)

  9. What a decade you have had! I hear our 30s are supposed to be amazing. Happy Birthday, hope you have big plans for Saturday!

    1. Thanks, Kate! I'm definitely looking forward to a fun weekend!

  10. I'm early but Happy Birthday. It sounds like you had an amazing time in your 20's and I am sure only better things are to come.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

    1. Thanks, Tracy! I'm definitely hoping that's the case.

  11. advanced happy birthday! :) Apparently 30 is the new 20 so... here's to even more awesome accomplishments! :)

    1. Thanks, Laura! I hope you have a great weekend!

  12. happy birthday to you my love!
    i admit, i cried the night before i was 30, but then it was no big deal at all. i truly appreciate the knowledge, confidence, and life experience I have now. i was around a girl who's 20 this weekend. it made me not wanna be 20 again!
    30s have been my best decade yet.

    1. Thanks, Elle! I was feeling a bit sad last week, too, but now it's honestly no big deal, since I don't really feel any older or different! I agree that I wouldn't actually want to go back and be 20 again, either!

  13. This is a great list and what accomplishments! I can't wait to see all the great things your 30s have in store for you. I would say my only piece of advice is to love people, which is so broad I know, but worth it. :)

    1. Thanks, Jess! I definitely agree with your advice. If more people focused on genuinely caring about others, the world would be a better place.

  14. happy birthday to you dear! may all of your wishes come true<3

    Letters To Juliet

  15. Happy belated birthday dear! You've done some really cool things in your 20s. There is so much to do as well in your 30s and I know this list will have a few great additions!


    Chic 'n Cheap Living

    1. Thanks, lady! I'm definitely hoping this will be a great decade!


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