Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Smart Phone Frenzy

So, how exactly did it get to be Wednesday already?! Things have been crazy busy in my world – hence the slightly reduced blogging schedule – but I’m definitely still here reading and writing posts whenever I can squeeze a few free moments into my day. Though I was majorly bummed to miss Bridal Fashion Week in NYC over the weekend, the good news is that I’m making tons of progress with classes and am still taking enough time for myself to keep the stress at bay.   

I’m also excited to be the proud owner of a new iPhone 4S, which I absolutely love! Getting the phone the very day it was released definitely felt out-of-the-ordinary for me, since I’m typically not one to demand the newest technology as soon as it comes out and would never, ever spend hours waiting in line for just about anything. But in this case, the timing worked out perfectly, as my two-year-old iPhone 3GS was undoubtedly on its last legs. Plus, our local AT&T store, while a bit crowded, didn’t have lines running out the door or a long wait time at all, allowing me to get in and out in less than 15 minutes. Awesome? Absolutely!  

Image Source: Apple

Without a doubt, the 4S is head-and-shoulders above the older version, with a better camera, clearer screen, and fabulous "personal assistant" voice function that I’m quickly becoming addicted to. It's strange to think that as much as I used to at times despise the Blackberry I used at work (Emails at 6 a.m. while I’m on vacation? And what do you mean you dropped your ID down the elevator shaft on a Sunday?!), I’ve become a complete smart phone junkie ever since I got my first one. 

Although I’m trying to get better about “unplugging” from time to time, the honest truth is that I just couldn’t be as productive or accomplish all that I want to without the help of my phone, whether I need to stay connected with a client, get directions to an appointment, schedule a reminder or look up just about anything. And after one of my classmates showed me her new iPad last week, I’m honestly thinking about springing for one of those at some point to more easily manage and access documents when I'm on the floor coordinating a wedding, on the train making last minute changes to a paper or doing any number of other things.  

What do you think? Do you use a smart phone or rely on technology to make your life easier? Do you think we as a society have become too reliant on our gadgets, or do feel, like me, that they’re a necessity in order to stay up to speed? 


  1. I really want an iphone 4! I have a 3GS that has been glitchy for about 6 months now, so I'm definitely ready for the upgrade. I am very reliant on my smartphone. I travel a couple of times a week for work, so it's important for me to have email access when I'm out of the office.

  2. Congrats on your new Iphone 4. I have a Samsung Galaxy S2 and I love it :)

    Have a great day!!!

  3. BTW, I love your new blog banner picture, lovely!

  4. i love the new banner cute. i have the iphone 4 and i heard some awesome things about the new updates..i can't wait to get them..i want an ipad too!

  5. I have an Android but it's getting old too so I'm thinking of replacing it with an iPhone.

    Love your new header photo!

  6. Heather, thank you so much for voting for my husband's app!!

  7. I JUST got my first iphone on Saturday! chris go the Iphone 4S and I got his Iphone4 and I am def. super excited and super ready to have an iphone (I haaated my blackberry) Chris has an ipad and I love it..though it's for "work" I def. steal it sometimes at night and use it for recipes to cook or to play bejeweled teehee.

    I think technology is a necessity to help us stay/keep organized and to keep up with the times. I get soo annoyed with people who are all high and mighty about us being too reliant on technology. It's here to HELP us and it does help us...I like being current and "with the times"

  8. I love a traditional paper planner, but am addicted to my smart phone.
    And thanks for the birthday wishes :)

  9. I'm completely addicted to my smart phone, but I'm an Android fan, instead of Apple.

    And I love your new header photo! So cute!

  10. I love my smart phone. had the iphone, blackberry and now android and love the apps and how far technology has come to make life easier! :)

  11. I;m in the market for a new phone and can't decide between the IPhone 4S or a new torn! I've had a droid for years but I'm kind of sick of it. On the other hand, the IPhone doesn't have a google maps navigator which is a major bummer for someone directionally challenged like me. And driving while simultaneously reading the written directions on the IPhone sounds like an accident waiting to happen...

  12. hooray for your iphone! i have a blackberry and it is always close by ;)

    ps love your new photo header. it's so sweet.

  13. I would die if I didn't have a smartphone. My iPhone has completely saved my life -- and maybe started a new career? My career aspirations and blogging depends on my time spent social networking. Without my iPhone, I wouldn't be able to connect with my readers nearly as well as I do.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  14. Oh, so jealous of your 4s! I'm an addict, too. Although I'm making an effort to at least turn off the push from my work emails to my iphone/ipad on weekends.

    xoxo, Nali

  15. Not me, I´m more on simplified tools. I´m so much with high tech phones. I organize my files mainly in my laptop and an organizer. :)


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